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Rules for the Implementation of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China
Release time: 2023-11-16 10:51


Rules for the Implementation of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China

  • Publishing Department:      The State Council

  • Document number:Decree of The State Council of the People's Republic of China[152]

  • Release Date:1994.03.26

  • Implementation Date:1994.03.26

  • Timeliness:      In effect

  • Effectiveness Level:      Administrative regulations

  • Category of regulations:      Comprehensive regulations on geology and mineral resources

  • Magic tips:Please refer to the changes in this regulation:Decision of The State Council on the sixth batch of cancellation and adjustment of administrative examination and approval itemsDecision of The State Council on canceling items subject to examination and approval for non-administrative license


Decree of The State Council of the People's Republic of China

  The Rules for the Implementation of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation。

Premier Li Peng

26 March 1994


  Rules for the Implementation of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China


Chapter I General provisions


  Article one These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China。

  Article 2 Mineral resources are natural resources formed by geological processes, which have the value of utilization and are solid, liquid and gaseous。

  For the types and classification of mineral resources, see the Detailed Classification of Mineral Resources annexed to these Rules.。The newly discovered mineral species shall be reported to The State Council for approval by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources。

  Article 3 Mineral resources belong to the State, and the state ownership of surface or underground mineral resources shall not be changed by the different ownership or use rights of the land to which they are attached。

  The State Council exercises the ownership of mineral resources on behalf of the State。The State Council authorizes the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under The State Council to exercise unified administration over the distribution of mineral resources throughout the country。

  Article 4 The exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in the territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under its jurisdiction must comply with the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Mineral Resources Law) and these Rules。

  Article 5 The state applies a licensing system to the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources。To explore mineral resources, they must apply for registration according to law, obtain an exploration license and obtain the right to explore.Anyone who mines mineral resources must apply for registration in accordance with law, obtain a mining license and obtain mining rights。

  The scope of the exploration work area and the scope of the mining area of mineral resources shall be based on the blocks divided by latitude and longitude。Specific measures shall be formulated by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under The State Council。

  Article 6 The meaning of the following terms in the Mineral Resources Law and these Rules:

  The right to explore means the right to explore mineral resources within the scope prescribed in the exploration license obtained according to law。The entity or individual that obtains the exploration license is called the owner of the exploration right。

  The mining right refers to the right to exploit mineral resources and obtain the mined mineral products within the scope prescribed in the mining license obtained according to law。A unit or individual that obtains a mining license is called a mining right holder。

  The specific minerals subject to protective mining as prescribed by the State refer to the minerals determined by The State Council according to the needs of national economic construction and high-tech development, as well as the scarcity and value of resources, and approved by the relevant competent departments under The State Council for exploitation in accordance with the State plan。

  The state planned mining area refers to the distribution area of mineral resources designated by the state for the construction of large and medium-sized mines in accordance with the construction plan and mineral resources plan。

  Mining areas of great value to the national economy refer to the protection areas of mineral resources with large reserves, good quality and development prospects that have been delimited by the State according to the needs of national economic development and have not yet been included in the national construction plan。

  Article 7 The State permits foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals to invest in exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in the territory of the People's Republic of China and in other sea areas under its jurisdiction in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the People's Republic of China。

  Article VIII The department in charge of geology and mineral resources under The State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources throughout the country。The relevant competent department under The State Council shall, in accordance with the division of duties prescribed by The State Council, assist the competent department of geology and mineral resources under The State Council in the supervision and administration of mineral resources exploration and exploitation。

  The competent departments of geology and mineral resources of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources within their respective administrative areas。The competent departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall assist the competent departments of geology and mineral resources at the same level in the supervision and administration of mineral resources exploration and exploitation。

  The people's governments of cities divided into districts, the people's governments of autonomous prefectures and the people's governments at the county level, as well as the departments responsible for the administration of mineral resources,In accordance with law, supervision and administration shall be exercised over state-owned mining enterprises approved to be established by the people's governments at the corresponding levels, mining enterprises under collective ownership, private mining enterprises and individual miners within their respective administrative areas, as well as units and individuals engaged in exploration and construction within their respective administrative areas,The lawful rights and interests of the owners of prospecting and mining rights shall be protected according to law。

  The competent department of geology and mineral resources at a higher level shall have the right to alter or cancel the illegal or inappropriate administrative acts of the competent department of geology and mineral resources at a lower level。

Chapter II Registration of mineral resources exploration and approval of exploitation


  The ninth article To explore mineral resources, an application, approval and exploration registration shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of The State Council on the registration and administration of mineral resources exploration。

  For the exploration of specific mineral species, the application, approval and registration of the exploration shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of The State Council。

  Article ten In mining mineral resources, state-owned mining enterprises shall, in accordance with the provisions of The State Council on the administration of mining registration, go through the application, approval and mining registration。When mining mining areas planned by the State, mineral resources of important value to the national economy and specific mineral species subject to protective mining as prescribed by the State, the documents approved by the relevant competent departments under The State Council shall be held when handling the application, examination and approval and mining registration。

  When mining specific mineral species, an application, approval and mining registration shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of The State Council。

  Article 11 The establishment of a state-owned mining enterprise shall, in addition to the requirements prescribed by relevant laws and regulations, meet the following requirements:

  (1) Having mineral exploration reports for use in mine construction;

  (2) Having the feasibility study report of the mine construction project (including resource utilization plan and mine environmental impact report);

  (3) Having a defined mining area and mining scope;

  (4) Having a mine design;

  (5) Having the corresponding technical conditions for production。

  The State Council, the relevant competent departments under The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State on the administration of investment in fixed assets, grant approval to the state-owned mining enterprises applied for establishment after they have passed the examination in accordance with the conditions listed in the preceding paragraph。

  Article 12 The examination, approval and registration of mining enterprises under collective ownership, private mining enterprises and individual mining enterprises shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government。

  Article 13 To apply for the establishment of a mining enterprise under collective ownership or a private mining enterprise, in addition to meeting the requirements prescribed by relevant laws and regulations, the following requirements shall be met:

  (1) having mineral exploration data appropriate to the scale of mining for the use of mine construction;

  (2) There is an approved and undisputed mining area;

  (3) having funds, equipment and technical personnel commensurate with the scale of the mine to be built;

  (4) There is a feasibility study report, mine design or mining plan that is compatible with the scale of the mine to be built and conforms to the industrial policies and technical standards of the State;

  (5) The mine manager shall have basic knowledge of mine production, safety management and environmental protection。

  Article 14 An applicant for individual mining shall meet the following conditions:

  (1) There is an approved and undisputed mining scope;

  (2) having funds, equipment and technical personnel appropriate to the scale of mining;

  (3) having relevant mineral exploration data and approved mining plans;

  (4) There are necessary production safety conditions and environmental protection measures。

Chapter III Exploration of mineral resources


  Article 15 The state implements a unified plan for mineral resources exploration。Under the guidance of the competent department of planning administration under The State Council, the competent department of geology and mineral resources under The State Council shall organize the formulation of the national medium - and long-term exploration plan on the basis of the medium - and long-term plan for national economic and social development and the exploration plan of the relevant competent department under The State Council。

  The national annual exploration plan for mineral resources and the annual exploration plan for mineral resources of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government,The competent department of geology and mineral resources under The State Council and the competent department of geology and mineral resources under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall organize relevant competent departments respectively,Formulated in accordance with the national medium and long-term exploration plan for mineral resources,It shall come into force upon approval by the planning administrative department of the people's government at the same level。

  Where the law provides otherwise for the power of examination and approval of exploration plans, the provisions of the relevant laws shall apply。

  Article 16 The prospecting owner shall enjoy the following rights:

  (1) conducting exploration in accordance with the area, time limit and object of work specified in the exploration license;

  (2) erection of power supply, water supply and communication pipelines in the exploration area and adjacent areas, provided that the original power supply and water supply facilities and communication pipelines shall not be affected or damaged;

  (3) passing through the exploration operation area and adjacent areas;

  (4) Temporary use of land according to project needs;

  (5) to obtain the exploration right of newly discovered mineral species in the exploration operation area first;

  (6) to obtain the mining right of mineral resources in the exploration area with priority;

  (7) to sell on their own the mineral products recovered during exploration in accordance with the approved project design and construction, except for the mineral products uniformly purchased by designated units as stipulated by The State Council。

  In exercising the rights listed in the preceding paragraph, where the relevant laws and regulations require approval or other formalities, the prospecting owner shall abide by the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations。

  Article 17 The owner of the prospecting right shall perform the following obligations:

  (1) to begin construction within the prescribed time limit and to complete the exploration work within the time limit specified in the exploration license;

  (2) Report to the exploration registration administration authority on the commencement of construction, etc.;

  (3) Mining activities shall not be carried out without authorization in accordance with the design and construction of prospecting projects;

  (4) conducting comprehensive exploration and evaluation of co-existing and associated mineral resources while identifying the main mineral species;

  (5) to prepare reports on mineral resources exploration and submit them to relevant departments for examination and approval;

  (6) to submit archives of mineral resources exploration results in accordance with the relevant provisions of The State Council;

  (7) To observe the provisions of relevant laws and regulations on labor safety, land reclamation and environmental protection;

  (8) Upon completion of exploration operations, timely seal and fill Wells and adits left over from exploration operations or take other measures to eliminate potential safety hazards。

  Article 18 The owner of the prospecting right may exploit the complex type of deposits that meet the requirements of the State regulations on exploration and mining.however,Proof materials shall be submitted to the authorities that originally issued exploration licenses, the examination and approval authorities for mineral reserves and the departments in charge of exploration projects,After examination and approval,In accordance with the regulations of The State Council on the administration of mining registration,Register mining。

  Article 19 Mineral resources exploration reports shall be examined and approved in accordance with the following provisions:

  (1) The exploration reports of major large-scale deposits for the construction of mines and groundwater exploration reports for the construction of large-scale water sources shall be examined and approved by the mineral reserves examination and approval authority under The State Council;

  (2) The exploration reports of general large, medium and small deposits for the construction of mines and the exploration reports of groundwater for the construction of medium and small water sources shall be examined and approved by the mineral reserves examination and approval authorities of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government;

  The examination and approval authority for mineral reserves and the competent department of the exploration unit shall, within six months from the date of receipt of the mineral resources exploration report, give an approval。

  Article 20 Mineral resources exploration reports and other valuable exploration data shall be used with compensation in accordance with the relevant regulations of The State Council。

  Article 21 Where, after obtaining the right to temporarily use the land, the prospecting right holder causes property damage to others in the course of the exploration, compensation shall be given in accordance with the following provisions:

  (1) If damage is caused to the cultivated land, compensation shall be paid year by year according to the average annual output of the cultivated land in the previous three years, calculated at the average price of the local market at the time of compensation, and it shall be responsible for restoring the production conditions of the cultivated land and returning it in time;

  (2) If damage is caused to pastures in pastoral areas, compensation shall be given year by year in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and the vegetation of the pastures shall be restored and returned in time;

  (3) If damage is caused to crops or cash crops on cultivated land, compensation shall be paid according to the average annual output of the cultivated land area of the preceding three years, calculated at the average price of the local market at the time of compensation;

  (4) If damage is caused to bamboo and wood, compensation shall be given according to the actual number of damaged trees, calculated by the average price of the local market at the time of compensation。

  (5) If damage is caused to attached objects on the land, appropriate compensation shall be given at the local market price according to the actual extent of the damage。

  Article 22 The owner of the prospecting right conducts exploration on barren mountains, barren slopes, wastelands, deserts, sandy beaches, river beaches, lake beaches or beaches without crops or other attached objects,No compensation;however,Exploration operations shall not impede or damage navigation, irrigation, flood control and other activities or facilities,Measures shall be taken after the completion of the exploration operation,Prevent soil erosion,Protect the ecological environment。

  Article 23 When there is a dispute over the scope of exploration between the owners of the prospecting right,It shall be settled by the parties through consultation;non-negotiable,The competent department of geology and mineral resources of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the exploration area is located shall make the ruling;Disputes over the scope of cross-provincial, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government,The parties fail to negotiate,It shall be settled through consultation by the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government;non-negotiable,The ruling shall be made by the competent department of geology and mineral Resources under The State Council。Where a dispute over the scope of exploration for a specific mineral species cannot be reached through consultation, the relevant competent department authorized by The State Council shall make a ruling。

Chapter IV Exploitation of mineral resources


  Article 24 The distribution, development and utilization of mineral resources throughout the country shall take into account the immediate and long-term interests of the central and local governments, and implement unified planning, effective protection, rational exploitation and comprehensive utilization。

  Article 25 The national plan for mineral resources shall, under the guidance of the competent department of planning administration under The State Council, be formulated by the competent department of geology and mineral resources under The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with the medium - and long-term plans for national economic and social development, and shall be implemented after being submitted to The State Council for approval。

  The national plan for mineral resources shall make overall arrangements for the distribution of mineral resources throughout the country and reasonably delineate the scope of examination, approval and development of mineral resources by the central Government and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government。

  Article 26 Mineral resources development planning is the planning of the overall arrangement of mining area development and construction layout。

  Mineral resources development planning is divided into industry development planning and regional development planning。

  The plans for the development of mineral resources industries shall be formulated and implemented by the relevant competent departments under The State Council in accordance with the mineral resources allocated to them in the national plan for mineral resources。

  Plans for regional development of mineral resources shall be formulated and implemented by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with the mineral resources allocated to their provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in the national plan for mineral resources;And make overall arrangements to reasonably delineate the scope of examination and approval and development of mineral resources by provincial, municipal and county level people's governments。

  Mineral resource industry development plans and regional development plans shall be submitted to the planning administrative department under The State Council, the department in charge of geology and mineral resources for the record。

  The competent department of planning administration and the competent department of geology and mineral resources under The State Council shall make corrections to the industrial development plans and regional development plans that do not conform to the national plan for mineral resources。

  Article 27 The establishment, alteration or cancellation of mining areas planned by the State and of great value to the national economy shall be proposed by the relevant competent department under The State Council, accompanied by a detailed mineral resources survey report and demonstration materials, and shall be examined and approved by the competent department of planning administration and the competent department of geology and mineral resources under The State Council, and shall jointly notify the relevant people's governments at the county level in writing。The people's government at the county level shall, within one month from the date of receipt of the notification, make a public announcement and report it to the competent department of planning administration and the competent department of geology and minerals under The State Council for the record。

  Article 28 The determination or cancellation of specific mineral species prescribed by the State for protective mining shall be put forward by the relevant competent department under The State Council, accompanied with demonstration materials, and shall be submitted to The State Council for approval after examination and approval by the competent department of planning administration and the competent department of geology and mineral resources under The State Council。

  Article 29 Before mining mineral resources, a unit or individual shall entrust a unit holding the corresponding mine design certificate to carry out a feasibility study and design。In mining scattered and scattered mineral resources and sand, stone and clay used as building materials, feasibility studies and designs may not be carried out, but mining plans and environmental protection measures shall be in place。

  In mine design, reasonable mining sequence, mining method and beneficiation process must be adopted according to the design specification。

  Mine designs must be examined and approved in accordance with relevant state regulations;No construction shall be carried out without approval。

  Article 30 The mining owner shall enjoy the following rights:

  (1) to engage in mining activities in accordance with the mining scope and period specified in the mining license;

  (2) selling mineral products on their own, with the exception of the mineral products uniformly purchased by designated units as stipulated by The State Council;

  (3) To construct production and living facilities necessary for mining within the mining area;

  (4) To obtain the right to the use of land according to law as required for production and construction;

  (5) Other rights provided for by laws and regulations。

  In exercising the rights listed in the preceding paragraph, the mining owner shall go through approval or go through other formalities as required by laws and regulations, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations。

  Article 31 The mining owner shall perform the following obligations:

  (1) to construct or exploit a mine within the approved time limit;

  (2) Effective protection, rational exploitation and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources;

  (3) to pay resource tax and mineral resource compensation fees according to law;

  (4) To observe State laws and regulations on labor safety, soil and water conservation, land reclamation and environmental protection;

  (5) Accept the supervision and administration of the competent departments of geology and mineral resources and relevant competent departments, and fill in the table of mineral reserves and the statistical report on the development and utilization of mineral resources in accordance with the provisions。

  Article 32 Where the mining right holder ceases to operate a mine at the expiration of the validity period of the mining license or within the validity period, but the mining of mineral resources has not yet been completed, he must take measures to keep the resources in a state where they can continue to be mined, and complete the following work in advance:

  (1) Preparing mining status reports and actual maps;

  (2) reimbursement of the reserves consumed in accordance with relevant regulations;

  (3) Complete the corresponding work related to labor safety, soil and water conservation, land reclamation and environmental protection according to the original design, or pay the relevant expenses for land reclamation and environmental protection。

  Only after the competent department that originally approved the operation of the mine has approved the application and the organ that originally issued the mining license has passed the examination and acceptance examination, may the owner of the mining right go through the formalities for cancellation of the relevant license or license。

  Article 33 Mining enterprises shall go through the following procedures for examination and approval for the closure of mines:

  (1) One year before the end of mining activities, submit an application for mine closure to the competent department that originally approved the opening of the mine, and submit a geological report on mine closure;

  (2) The geological report on pit closure shall be submitted to the competent department of geology and mineral resources for approval jointly with the examination and approval authority of mineral reserves after being examined and approved by the competent department of geology and mineral resources;

  (3) After the approval of the geological report on mine closure, the mining right holder shall prepare a mine closure report and submit it to the competent department that originally approved the opening of the mine for approval in conjunction with the competent department of geology and mineral resources at the same level and the relevant competent department in accordance with the relevant provisions of the industry。

  Article 34 After approval of the mine closure report, mining enterprises shall complete the following work:

  (1) Sorting out and filing geological, surveying and mining data in accordance with relevant State regulations, and compiling geological reports on pit closure, mine closure reports and other relevant data;

  (2) Complete the work related to labor safety, soil and water conservation, land reclamation and environmental protection, or pay the expenses related to land reclamation and environmental protection in accordance with the approved report on mine closure。

  Mining enterprises shall, on the basis of the approval documents for the mine closure report and the certificates provided by the relevant departments for the completion of the above work, report to the authorities that originally issued mining licenses to go through the formalities for the cancellation of mining licenses。

  Article 35 Construction units before the construction of railways, highways, factories, reservoirs, oil pipelines, power transmission lines and various large buildings,It is necessary to obtain from the competent department of geology and mineral resources of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government the distribution of mineral resources in the area where the proposed project is located,The certificate of the competent department of geology and mineral resources shall be attached to the construction project design task book when it is submitted for examination and approval。In case of any conflict between the above-mentioned construction projects and the exploitation of important ore deposits, the relevant competent department under The State Council or the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall put forward a plan, which shall be submitted to the competent department of planning administration under The State Council for decision after receiving comments from the competent department of geology and mineral Resources under The State Council。

  Article 36 When there is a dispute between the owners of the mining area,It shall be settled by the parties through consultation;non-negotiable,The mineral resources shall be handled by the local people's government at or above the county level in the place where they are located in accordance with the scope of mining areas approved by law;Disputes over the scope of mining areas in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central government,The parties fail to negotiate,It shall be settled through consultation by the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government;non-negotiable,The department in charge of geology and mineral resources under The State Council shall put forward its handling opinions,Report to The State Council for decision。

Chapter V Mining enterprises under collective ownership, private mining enterprises and individual miners


  Article 37 The State protects the lawful rights and interests of collectively owned mining enterprises, private mining enterprises and individual mining enterprises in accordance with law, and exercises supervision and administration over collectively owned mining enterprises, private mining enterprises and individual mining enterprises in accordance with law。

  Article 38 Mining enterprises under collective ownership may exploit the following mineral resources:

  (1) deposits and ore spots that are not suitable for state construction of large and medium-sized mines;

  (2) small and scattered minerals in the margins of the mining areas designated with the consent of the state-owned mining enterprises and the approval of the competent departments at higher levels;

  (3) After the closure of the mine, the residual ore body confirmed by the competent department of the original mining enterprise can be safely exploited without causing serious environmental consequences;

  (4) Other mineral resources that may be mined by collectively-owned mining enterprises under state planning。

  When mining the mineral resources listed in item (2) of the preceding paragraph, mining enterprises under collective ownership must sign agreements with state-owned mining enterprises on rational development and utilization of mineral resources and on mine safety, and may not waste or damage the mineral resources, and may not affect the production safety of the state-owned mining enterprises。

  Article 39 The scope of mining of mineral resources by private mining enterprises shall be governed by the provisions of Article 38 of these Rules。

  Article 40 Individual miners may exploit the following mineral resources:

  (1) small and scattered ore bodies or ore spots;

  (2) Sand, stone and clay that can only be used as ordinary building materials。

  Article 41 When the State establishes a state-planned mining area that is of great value to the national economy, the state shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, give reasonable compensation to the former owners of mining rights who should withdraw。

Chapter VI Legal liability


  Article 42 Fines imposed in accordance with Articles 39, 40, 42, 43 and 44 of the Mineral Resources Law shall be executed in accordance with the following provisions:

  (1) Those who mine without obtaining a mining license, those who mine without authorization into mining areas planned by the State, mining areas of important value to the national economy or mining areas of others, or mining specific types of mineral that are subject to protective mining as prescribed by the State, shall be fined not more than 50 percent of the illegal income;

  (2) To impose a fine of not more than 30 percent of the illegal income for mining operations that exceed the approved mining area;

  (3) Where mineral resources are bought, sold, leased or transferred by other means, or where mining rights are sold or leased, the seller, lessor or transferor shall be fined not more than twice the illegal income;

  (4) to impose a fine of not more than 5,000 yuan on those who illegally use mining rights as collateral;

  (5) Whoever, in violation of regulations, purchases or sells the mineral products uniformly purchased by the State, shall be fined not more than twice the illegal earnings;

  (6) Those who exploit mineral resources by destructive mining methods, thus causing serious damage to the mineral resources, shall be fined not more than 50 percent of the value of the loss of the mineral resources。

  Article 43 If any of the following acts are committed in violation of the provisions of these Rules, administrative sanctions shall be imposed on the persons in charge and the persons directly responsible;If the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:

  (1) Approval for the operation of a mine by a unit or individual that does not meet the requirements for joint mining;

  (2) Issuing mining licenses to mining enterprises or individuals that have not been approved according to law。

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions


  Article 44 Groundwater resources have the dual attributes of water resources and mineral resources。The Mineral Resources Law and these Rules shall apply to the exploration of groundwater resources.The Water Law and relevant administrative regulations shall apply to the development, utilization, protection and management of groundwater resources。

  Article 45 The Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Rules。

  Article 46 These Detailed Rules shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation。


Classification of mineral resources

  (1) Energy and mineral resources
  Coal, coal-derived gas, stone coal, oil shale, petroleum, natural gas, oil sands, natural bitumen, uranium, thorium, geothermal。
  (2) Metal minerals
  Iron, manganese, chromium, vanadium, titanium;Copper, lead, zinc, bauxite, nickel, cobalt, tungsten, tin, bismuth, molybdenum, mercury, antimony, magnesium;Platinum, palladium, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, rhodium;Gold and silver;Niobium, tantalum, beryllium, lithium, zirconium, strontium, rubidium, cesium;Lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, europium, yttrium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium;Scandium, germanium, gallium, indium, thallium, hafnium, rhenium, cadmium, selenium, tellurium。
  (3) Non-metallic minerals
  Diamond, graphite, phosphorus, natural sulfur, pyrite, potassium salt, boron, crystal (piezoelectric crystal, smelting crystal, optical crystal, process crystal), corundum, kyanite, sillimanite, andalusite, wollastonite, saltpetalite, talc, asbestos, blue asbestos, mica, feldspar, garnet, pyrophyllite, diopside, tremolite, vermiculite, zeolite, alum, mirabilite (containing calcium mirabilite)Gypsum, (including anhydrite), barite, toxyite, trona, calcite, ice SPAR, magnesite, fluorite (ordinary fluorite, optical fluorite), precious stones, topazite, jade, tourmaline, agate, pigment minerals (ochre, pigment loess), limestone (calcium limestone, alkali limestone, fertilizer limestone, flux limestone, glass limestone, cement limestone, constructionLimestone for stone making, limestone for ash making, limestone for finishing), marl, chalk, potassium-containing rock,***Rock (for metallurgical purposes***Rock, chemical fertilizer***For rock and glass***For rock and construction***Rock), quartzite (quartzite for metallurgical purposes, quartzite for glass purposes, quartzite for fertilizer purposes), sandstone (sandstone for metallurgical purposes, sandstone for glass purposes, sandstone for glass purposes, sandstone for brick purposes, sandstone for fertilizer purposes, sandstone for casting purposes, sandstone for casting purposes, sandstone for ceramic purposes), natural quartz sand (sand for glass purposes, sand for casting purposes, sand for construction purposes, sand for cement mixing purposes, cement standard sand, sand for brick purposes),Gangue quartz (metallurgy gangue quartz, glass gangue quartz), powder quartz, natural oil stone, potassium-containing sand shale, diatomite, shale (ceramic shale, brick shale, cement shale), kaolin, ceramic clay, refractory clay, attapulgite clay, sepiolite clay, illite clay, rectorite clay, bentonite, bauxite, other clay (casting clay, brick clayWith clay, clay for ceramics, clay for cement ingredients, clay for cement ingredients, laterite for cement ingredients, loess for cement ingredients, mudstone for cement ingredients, clay for thermal insulation materials), peridotite (peridotite for fertilizer, peridotite for construction), serpentine (serpentine for fertilizer, serpentine for fluxes, serpentine for finishes), basalt (basalt for casting stone, basalt for rock wool), diabase (waterDiabase for mud, diabase for casting stone, diabase for finishing, diabase for building), Andesite (andesite for finishing, andesite for building, andesite for cement mix), diorite (diorite for cement mix, andesite for building), granite (granite for building, granite for finishing), medical stone, perlite, obsidian, turpentine rock, pumice, coarseFace rock (trachyte for cement, trachyte for casting stone), nepheline syenite, tuff (tuff for glass, tuff for cement, tuff for building), volcanic ash, scoria, marble (marble for finishing, marble for building, marble for cement, marble for glass), SLATE (SLATE for finishing, SLATE for cement mix), gneiss, amphibolite, peat,Mineral salt (lake salt, rock salt, natural brine), magnesium salt, iodine, bromine, arsenic。
  (4) water-gas minerals
  Groundwater, mineral water, carbon dioxide gas, hydrogen sulfide, helium gas, radon gas。



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